How to make better decisions with the Matrix

Do you ever feel like your to-do list is getting out of control? In this course, productivity expert Kari and her animated emoji will walk you through a new kind of prioritization that will help you work smarter and save time. Welcome to the Matrix. Sign up for the course to see what it’s all about.

   9,400 students completed this course

   93% recommend it to other students

   Teacher: Kari Beaulieu


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93% of students recommend

“Very useful technique shared, thank you. My year is off to a great start!”

“I thought the course was well presented, just wasn’t much new for me personally. But then I’m a lifelong lover of systems and study them for fun…”

“Very well written article. Even my 17year old daughter found it useful :)”


Course plan

Lesson 1: Welcome to your first day of class, Productivity 101!
Lesson 2: The Eisenhower Method – Digging Deeper
Lesson 3: Critical but Not Urgent – Where the Magic Happens
Lesson 4: Delegation with a Capital D
Lesson 5: Why and How to Say No
Lesson 6: What is a “Next Action Item,” and How Can the Matrix Help You Find Yours?
Lesson 7: How to Stick With It
Lesson 8: Are There More?
Lesson 9: The Matrix in Action – A Real-World Application
Lesson 10: That’s a Wrap!
+ Quiz



Starting tomorrow, you will receive a new lesson straight to your inbox every morning for 10 days. Lessons take just 5 minutes to read, and each course is followed by fun, knowledge-testing quiz.



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  • Format
    One lesson delivered via email daily
  • Duration
    10 days
  • Time
    5 minutes reading a day

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